Sunday, November 3, 2013

Project: Corregio's "The Second Coming of Christ"

Corregios painted the fresco "The Second Coming of Christ" aka the "Vision of Saint John" in the dome of the San Giovanni Evangelista in Parma.

 The work shows Correggio's mastery of perspective as he presents the Christ in a Worm's eye view descending toward the viewer from the clouds. In the clouds circling the Christ are the Apostles in nude heroic poses that  show the influence of Michelangelo on Correggio as they remind me of Michelangelo's nude figures in the Sistine Chapel. The Christ figure also shows the influence of another artist, Raphael, especially from the painting "Transfiguration".

This fresco can also be interpreted as vision that Saint John has of the Patmos. John can be seen tucked into the rim at the front of the dome, as a result the lay men in the nave are unable to see him. The only person who would have a clear view of John would have been the Priest standing at the Alter and the monks would only have a slanting view of him from the choir stalls. John's surprised expression and pose with his arm crossing over his body indicates an influence of Michelangelo, especially where Jonah looks up at God separating light from dark in the Sistine Chapel.

Sources: Correggio. David Eksenrdjian. Pg 95-103
Italian Frescos: High Renaissance and Mannerism. Julian Kliemann. Pg 61.


  1. This is an amazing painting. I like how artists took ideas from previous great artists. When I first looked at this painting on your blog I immediately saw Michelangelo's separating light from dark.

  2. I benefit from you highlighting the influences of other artists. Thanks.
